Yogyakarta, 16 July 2025

Fish is the primary livelihood resource for many countries, particularly in developing countries. The recent FAO report indicated that a total number of worldwide fisher and fish farmers reach 58.272 million people, 84.16% living in Asia. Fish contains a rich source of high-quality protein and nutrition, and it is one of the most frequently consumed animal proteins in many countries. Therefore, the fisheries sector's contribution becomes significant for enhancing global food security since fish could directly become a source of essential animal protein and indirectly as the main source of job and income to buy food.

The innovation of science and technology in the fisheries sector is a key point to improve and assure the efficiency and sustainability of the production and utilization of the resource. Research activities and development should be synergistically carried out for the implementation of technologies that bring benefits to the communities. Thus, the Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada hold a biennially international symposium to provide access and exchange of research data and fisheries experience to support the transfer of knowledge and technology to strengthen the world’s fisheries sector.

The 5th International Symposium on Marine and Fisheries Research aims to bring together academic scientists, researchers, government institutions, private parties, and stakeholders to share and exchange progress information, experiences, and research results in all aspects of marine and fisheries sciences. It also provides a gathering forum for interdisciplinary discussion about innovation, trends, and challenges to increase awareness of sustainable marine and fisheries production and consumption. Scientific networks are expected as an output of this symposium.

The symposium comprises plenary, oral, and poster sessions. The keynote speakers from different marine and fisheries science fields will present their papers in the plenary session. Oral presentations consist of invited speakers and selected oral presenters for each topic will take place in parallel. English will be the official language of the symposium. The symposium's scopes are capture fisheries fisheries biology, fisheries resource management, fisheries socio­‐economics, oceanography, climate sciences, marine ecotoxicology, aquaculture, fish disease, fish genetics, biotechnology, marine natural product, seafood processing technology, seafood safety, and any other topics related to fisheries.